Merino, Carded Silk Sari, Bamboo and Mohair Locks.
Merino wool and silk felt hat. Hand dyed. Warm, soft and lightweight. 65.00
Hand carded felting batts. Merino, rambouillet, finn, silk, camel, yak, bamboo, tencel and sometimes a bit of sparkle. 7.00/ounce, all of our batts are next to the skin soft for nuno felting or wearable art unless otherwise noted. We also card batts for design and structural felt work. Custom carded batts available.
Hand-spun Yarns:
Single ply, Merino, Silk Noil, Mohair Locks and Bamboo.
Tangled Up In WoolFelt ~ Dye ~ Spin ~ Create
Inquire about our full line of felt maker's supplies and equipment